Crestone & San Luis Valley
Community Organizations
Our team at Mountainside Realty is dedicated to giving back directly to our nearest communities through the abundance created with our real estate transactions. Our brokerage has made a commitment to provide a balance of financial gains with community support. Each agent has a community based way that they choose to give back. There are many amazing organizations in Crestone, but overall, our personal pet projects include the Crestone Energy Fair, Crestone 4th of July Celebration, Crestone Community Thanksgiving, Crestone Free Box and a monthly free community meal at the Little Shepherd on the Hill Church. As a team, our goal is to elevate and enrich the lives of the community through these free events.
Below is a list of many of the things going on in Crestone, as well as some vital organizations.
*This is for informational purposes only, and does not represent an endorsement by any of the following organizations. Please let us know if your organization would like to be included on this page.
Community Free Meal Schedule
The Free Meal is a beautiful opportunity for the community to share a meal as one. Food is a foundation of life, therefore these events are open to all members of the community. This tradition is a testament to the principles which make Crestone such a one-of-a-kind place. In 2024 Free Meals has partnered up with Friends at Casita Park. If you wish to contribute to these events, feel free to bring a potluck dish or come early/stay late to volunteer for cooking, cleanup, setup, and teardown.
Check back for the theme!
Check back closer to the date for the theme!
Remember to come back here for the theme of the event!
Crestone: International Dark Skies Community
DarkSky International restores the nighttime environment and protects communities from the harmful effects of light pollution through outreach, advocacy, and conservation. Crestone is also recognized among the first U.S. municipalities to incorporate into its local laws the “rights of nature” legal doctrine, officially recognizing that ”nature, natural ecosystems, communities, and all species possess intrinsic and inalienable rights which must be effectuated to protect life on Earth.”
Crestone Non-Profits
Crestone Energy Fair
As the longest running Sustainabilty Fair in the country, the Crestone Energy Fair began over thirty years ago to educate and empower owner-builders to successfully build their own home. Saguache County does not currently have building codes, so for decades people have been able to move to Crestone and surrounding areas and build their home with unique materials, including examples such as Hempcrete and Strawbale. The event has blossomed into a full weekend of informative talks and demonstrations of building technologies, energy generation, and healing modalities that is unique to the Crestone culture. Year round continuing education and an information-rich YouTube Channel are new additions to this incredible organization.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) is a 501C3 Non Profit Charitable Organization whose mission is to bring the community together in supporting the well-being of households in crisis in an attempt to stabilize their situation.
We respond to the needs and problems of people living in crisis situations by directly paying bills that will restore stability, giving them a chance to get on their feet without creating further instability.
The Manitou Foundation
The Manitou Foundation was founded by Hanne and Maurice Strong in 1988 to create a sustainable interfaith community. They viewed the land as a special place for diverse peoples to have deep experiences of Spirit and Nature.
Thousands of lots in the higher foothills of the Sangre de Christo Mountains were consolidated into what became part of Manitou Foundation’s Mountain Tract properties. Other lots were consolidated and eventually became part of the National Park. The Manitou Foundation then began its mission to establish a place where the wisdom traditions of the world could preserve and share their knowledge in a contemplative setting and go beyond the divisions that have historically fueled conflicts and war. The vision highlights the cultivation of a community of mutual understanding, harmony and respect, as a model for the world. A model that also exemplifies sustainable living and environmental stewardship.
The Crestone Eagle
Local newspaper keeping us all up to date on local current events. The Crestone Eagle is busier than ever nowadays, demonstrating our civic value as an essential public service. Our local journalists are your neighbors who work tirelessly to provide our region with potentially life-saving information on the pandemic, fact-check online misinformation, hold a mirror to our communities, and hold the powerful to account.
Atalanta Association
The Atalanta project is a non-profit enterprise which is building and creating a model permaculture and husbandry environment. It is a place of learning that fosters growth of children and adults in the healing, creative, and technological arts, which in turn honors the human spirit, nature, and community.
Crestone End of Life Project
Informed Final Choices (IFC) is a non-denominational not-for-profit service organization standing at the center of end-of-life issues. IFC dedicates itself to a world in which end-of-life choices are well-understood and supported; end-of-life rights are universally respected; end-of-life wishes are fulfilled by family and community taking responsibility in caring for their deceased loved ones, and death is embraced as a part of life.
Things to Do & Experience
Sand Dunes National Park
The tallest dunes in North America are the centerpiece in a diverse landscape of grasslands, wetlands, forests, alpine lakes, and tundra.
Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve protects the tallest dunes in North America… and a whole lot more. The park and preserve contain ecosystems ranging from wetlands to forest to tundra—each supporting specially adapted plant, animal and insect life. Make the most of your visit by taking the time to experience this diversity in your national park!
Valley View Hot Springs & OLT
Orient Land Trust is a nonprofit land trust dedicated to the preservation of Valley View Hot Springs (VVHS) and its viewshed— including natural and biologic resources, agricultural lands, wildlife habitat, open space, and historic and geologic features of the northern San Luis Valley for the education and enjoyment of current and future generations.
With the Orient Mine and Everson Ranch, we now protect 2,200 acres, its wildlife corridor, pristine spring waters, hiking trails, rustic cabins, and camping. Visitors of all ages and walks of life enjoy free educational programs, clothing-optional naturist open space, geothermal warmth, hydroelectric energy, and Colorado's largest bat colony.
Joyful Journey Hot Springs
Where the healing waters flow.
All of our pools are filled with the natural, mineral-rich, geothermically heated water that rises in artisanal springs on the property. Although the water rises from the travertine springs at between 120°F and 145°F, we maintain our pools between 98°F and 108°F. The water is a sodium bicarbonate type with significant levels of boron, calcium, lithium and magnesium along with several other beneficial minerals.
Sand Dunes Recreation
Truly an oasis in the middle of the scenic San Luis Valley, we offer family fun, relaxation, & rejuvenation for the entire family! We offer a large family pool maintained at 98 degrees year-round! There’s also a baby pool, and a 25 person therapy pool maintained at 105-107. For our guests 21+ and those seeking an adults-only environment, we offer The Greenhouse: enjoy 4 soaking pools at different temperatures, a 10 person sauna, tropical gardens, patios, upscale Small Plates Menu, & on-site beer & wine bar “The Steel Box Bar”. Native American elders and spiritual masters from the Crestone area consider this area on the west side of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains as one of the most sacred and energetically active places in North America. It is said that the water here is encoded with the energy of the earth from which it rises.
Penitente Canyon
If technical rock climbing is your type of adventure, then Penitente Canyon may have what you want. The canyon is known for its nearly 300 world class technical rock climbing routes. South-facing routes can be climbed year-round within the Recreation Area. Numerous Trails are also available for your enjoyment within Penitente Canyon SRMA. Other attractions include trout fishing in La Garita Creek and primitive camping. For more information, please contact the San Luis Valley Field Office.
Valley Sustainability & Food Sovereignty
Valley Roots Food Hub
The vision of the Valley Roots Food Hub is of highly regenerative agricultural and socio-economic practices that can fulfill human needs while leaving behind a legacy of biologically productive soils, sufficient water, and healthy communities of plants, animals, and people.
The mission of the Valley Roots Food Hub is to build, operate, and sustain a local food system that increases the demand for and accessibility of fresh, healthy food.
Saguache County Sustainable Environment and Economic Development (ScSeed)
Mission: to work together as a community to develop a sustainable economy that builds on our existing strength, contributes to a strong integrated community, and protects the environment, rural lifestyle and the character of Saguache County.
SLV Local Foods Coalition
The mission of the SLVLFC is to foster an equitable local food system that restores the health of the people, community, economy and ecosystem. Some of their projects are the Valley Roots Food Hub, Local Foods/Local Places, featuring the Moki Food Truck, Rio Grande Farm Park and SLV Cooking Matters.
SLV Seed Exchange
The San Luis Valley Seed Exchange has been an annual, community gathering and seed swap since 2010. It’s currently taking place at Joyful Journey Hot Springs Spa in Moffat, Colorado and hosts a Speaker Series of experts talking on agriculturally relevant topics.
SOIL Sangre de Cristo
SOIL Sangre de Cristo is a membership based community loan fund that awards 0% interest loans to local farmers, ranchers and other food producers.
It is a new way to fund local food. Using charitable donations from Investor Members funds are available to local farmers, ranchers and other food enterprises for 0% Interest Loans. Together, we are building a permanent, member driven, revolving loan fund.
Nourish Colorado
Our complex, yet efficient, food system produces an abundant amount of food. But it lacks resiliency and does not equitably deliver nutritious food to all people. Nourish Colorado works to reshape the food system by shifting the food supply chain into a true food value chain. We pursue systemic change by engaging in state and federal policy advocacy, managing innovative programs, and developing community partnerships and grassroots networks to employ multiple-win strategies that rebalance the food system and create healthy food environments. Strengthening nourishing food environments takes all of us. Please join us and support our efforts to ensure equitable access to nourishing food for all Coloradans.
Spiritual Centers
Karma Thegsum Tashi Goman Stupa
The Tashi Gomang Stupa embodies His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. In the words of H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche: “Within the stupa the teacher remains unchanging. The Buddha said that whoever sees the stupa will be liberated by the sight of it. Feeling the breeze around the stupa liberates by its touch. Having thus seen or experienced the stupa, by thinking of one’s experience of it, one is liberated through recollection.”
Haidakhandi Universal Ashram
The Babaji Ashram is located in the beautiful mountains of southern Colorado in Crestone in the United States of America. Haidakhan (Herakhan) Baba, also known as Mahavatar Babaji from Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, appeared in India from 1970 to 1984.
Babaji instructed us to build ashrams around the world where people could come for spiritual upliftment. On our magnificent 101 acres of land we have a beautiful temple dedicated to the Divine Mother, many call it the Lakshmi Temple. Our beloved murti of the Divine Mother, Haidakhandeswari, is life-size and was installed in 1989.
Little Shepherd in the Hills
Singing Rock of Ages in the shadow of Crestone Creek babbling along during the liturgy. There is a quality to the services at Little Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church unique to this diocese.
Of course they would be unique. Nestled at the base of the Sangre de Cristos, Crestone is a destination town. It's new age trendy and old west frontier at once, boasting as many Hindu prayer flags as horses. The setting has long attracted various disciplines of meditation with ashrams, temples and monasteries scattered throughout the winding roads. Built in 1885, Little Shepherd is the oldest of theses spiritual centers in this community that boasts of being the spiritual capitol of Southern Colorado.
Chöying Dzong & Yeshe Khorlo Retreat Center
The main U.S. center of Yeshe Khorlo is Chöying Dzong, located in Crestone, Colorado. Established in 1995 under the direction of Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche, the mission and goal of Yeshe Khorlo is to cultivate the growth of the Buddha Dharma. Chöying Dzong, the name given to the temple by Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche in 2001, means Fortress of Dharmata. Dharmata is a Sanskrit word that refers to the innate pure nature of all phenomena and the very essence of mind itself. Dzong, or fortress, refers to the vessel or mandala that holds that space and maintains its innate purity for all who enter.
Vajra Vidya
There is a deep inner relationship between the mountains and monasteries, the true embodiment of the spirit of the Himalayas. What monasteries and mountains have in common is Greatness, Simplicity, Strength, Aloofness, and Endurance. Wherever beauty, solitude, and grandeur conspire to produce an atmosphere of awe and religious inspiration there will be found a sanctuary, a hermitage or monastery, or a place of pilgrimage. These citadels of faith amidst the most challenging forces of nature are the fulfillment of nature on a higher plane, expressing its transcendent spirit through the ascending aspirations of man.” May these words also come to describe Thrangu Rinpoche’s Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado.
The Center For Contemplative Research
The Center for Contemplative Research (CCR) is a nonprofit religious organization that provides the training and ideal environment for full-time, dedicated contemplatives to engage in long-term meditation retreats and collaborate in rigorous research with leading scientists and philosophers from a variety of fields, including physics, neuroscience, psychology, and phenomenology.
Crestone Mountain Zen Center
Crestone Mountain Zen Center (Dharma Sangha) offers residential monastic Zen practice and meditation under the guidance of Head Teacher, Zentatsu Baker Roshi, Dharma Heir of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Zen practitioners are welcome to join the daily schedule or apply for a variety of Zen programs.
Crestone Mountain Zen Center is located on the western slope of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in southern Colorado. Nestled against rugged 14,000-foot peaks and surrounded by 240 acres piñon pine and juniper forest, the beauty and seclusion of our Center is a unique environment for contemplation and inquiry.
Shumei International Institute
The Shumei International Institute is a non-denominational spiritual fellowship and is part of a worldwide organization founded in Japan. Shumei’s philosophy revolves around three principal tenets: a spiritual healing practice known as “Jyorei”, fostering an appreciation for art and beauty and the practice of “Natural Agriculture”. Shumei’s Crestone Center is recognized as a sacred pilgrimage site by its many friends worldwide. “Inspired by the philosophy of Mokichi Okada, Meishusama, Shumei International Institute helps people of the world realize that they are world citizens able to act for the common good.” Shumei provides tours daily.
Mangala Shri Bhuti
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche is the founder and spiritual head of Mangala Shri Bhuti. He is a lineage-holder in the Longchen Nyingtik and Khen-Kong-Chok-Sum traditions of the Nyingma Lineage. Longchen Jigme Samten Ling, our long-term retreat center located in the spectacular foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Crestone, Colorado, is the jewel of our organization. The name means, “a meditation place of the fearless great expanse.” Samten Ling is home to The Sangdo Palri Temple of Wisdom and Compassion and the Tara Dzong.
Chamma Ling Retreat Center
Chamma Ling Colorado, a retreat center located along the beautiful Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range near the small town of Crestone, was founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in 2001. Small and large group teaching retreats from the ancient Bon tradition of Tibet are offered throughout the year. Solitary retreat cabins are the primary focus on the center, offering the solo practitioner the powerful experience of stillness, silence, and spaciousness during personal retreats lasting from a week to many months. A beautiful Community House accommodates small retreats and local practice groups at various times of the year.
White Jewel Mountain Healing Sanctuary & Retreat Center
White Jewel Mountain is a nonprofit organization, founded in 2006 under the auspices of Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche, and in association with The Manitou Foundation. White Jewel Mountain is dedicated to spreading the Adzom Drukpa lineage teachings, and the teachings of Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche. We also strive to offer an inclusive and wide array of healing arts, transformative teachings, and retreats that will foster the growth of a more compassionate, cohesive, and sustainable community.
Way of Nature, Sacred Passages
One of the founding fathers of the environmental movement, John P. Milton has studied extensively many of the world's great spiritual traditions with enlightened masters and in deep communion with Nature. John's love of Nature led him to do his first vision quest at the age of seven. Through Way of Nature, John introduces students to the power of immersing oneself alone in Nature and Spirit, and allowing the innate wisdom of our Three Natures (Outer, Inner and True Nature) to emerge. John is a frequent lecturer, workshop/retreat leader, meditation teacher, T'ai Chi, Qigong and Tantra Master and author of many books.
edmDharmaworks llc
We serve those who serve the spiritual and civic communities of the Crestone area.
Pundarika Foundation
Pundarika Foundation’s primary mission is to support the teaching activities and humanitarian work of Tsoknyi Rinpoche by:
Keeping alive the wisdom of the Dharma
Sustaining practitioners who preserve the teachings of the Buddha as a vital tradition
Helping people experience inner peace, to better face the challenges of modern life with compassion and sanity
The Crestone Ziggurat rises from a sandy hill on the southeast edge of the Baca Grande bordering on the Baca Grande Wildlife Refuge. Donated in 2001 to the 17th Karmapa by its builder, the Crestone Ziggurat is a landmark and destination for the many travelers who come to enjoy its panoramic views. It’s currently free and open to the public. Visitors climb a sandy hill to the tower, then a spiral ramp to the top, to enjoy stunning panoramic views of the Sangre de Cristo range and surrounding countryside. The Crestone Ziggurat, with its ochre color, clean lines and simple ‘swirling’ appeal, is a contemporary spiritual structure which provides space at the top for reflection, quiet contemplation and wonder – a tonic for our times.
The Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order
The Nur Ashki Jerrahi Community is an order of dervishes within the Halveti-Jerrahi Tariqat (Sufi Order), in the specific lineage and spirit of Shaykh Muzaffer Ashki al-Jerrahi, Shaykh Nur al-Jerrahi, Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi, and Shaykha Amina al-Jerrahi. We are based at Dergah al-Farah in New York City, Mezquita María de la Luz in México City, as well as in various lodges throughout the U.S. and worldwide. We joyfully welcome into our gatherings students of all sacred paths and sincere seekers of any personal orientation.
Local Government & Utilities
The Town of Crestone
Historic Crestone, Colorado exemplifies small mountain town beauty within a community committed to sustainable living practices and spiritual traditions. The town continues to celebrate its pioneering spirit and unique diversity through contemporary self-reliance. Crestone's goals are to enhance economic viability, environmental preservation, renewable energy use, and social responsibility.
Baca Grande Property Owners Association
The Baca Grande is a covenanted community comprised of over 3800 properties, encompassing over 80 square miles, situated in 5 unique subdivisions, Chalet 1, Chalet 2, Chalet 3, The Grants and Casita Park. Located in rural Saguache County, the Baca Grande is surrounded by natural beauty and breathtaking vistas, from the towering 14,000ft peaks of the Sangre De Christos, the serene hills of the Great Sand Dunes, and the expansive San Luis Valley. The Baca Grande Property Owners Association is a mixed-use planned development which consists of single-family residential lots, miles of greenbelt, a golf course, tennis court, stables, multiple parks and fully staffed emergency services department. This Baca Grande is a tranquil alternative to urban crowding, promising to be a place that awakens your potential & sustains opportunity.
Baca Water & Sanitation
The District’s mission is to provide high quality, reliable, sustainable water and treatment of wastewater in a manner that reduces the District’s carbon footprint while balancing commitment to the highest standards of environmental protection and customer service in the most efficient and economical manner possible.
Saguache County Government
Crestone Charter School
The Crestone Charter School is a K-12 school community with ninety students in multi-age, student-centered learning pods. In a setting defined by narrative evaluations rather than letter grades, we learn, experience, and explore indoors and outdoors, at home and abroad. Our nearly carbon-neutral school building is located on a wooded campus backed by the wilderness of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
Colorado College Baca Campus
Two decades ago, The Colorado College began an experiment of creating a space for reflection in order to enhance learning. This experiment began in 1987 when English Professor Joe Gordon led his class on a field trip to facilities owned by the Aspen Institute in Crestone, Colorado. Surrounded by mountains, streams, wildlife and forests, the students' engagement with class material was clearly enhanced. As a result of Gordon's recommendations, the College leased three condominium units and the conference center from the Aspen Institute and a fundraising campaign was initiated. In 1990, with the special support of Trustee Emeritus Jerome McHugh, a townhouse, the conference center, and adjacent land was purchased. In September of 1992, the 7,000 square foot lodge was built with help from then Trustee Edith Gaylord Harper and the El Pomar Foundation. In 2003, a computer laboratory was added.
Memory Care in Colorado
Many families with aging adults are unaware of the several available memory care options and programs in their area that can help them support a high quality of life.
Please see the free resources below highlighting Memory Care guides and the best memory care facilities in Colorado: